
There probably isn’t anything more gratifying than seeing my work on my client’s walls UNLESS I see my work in print and that just happened for a second time. I haven’t submitted my work to very many publications but the four times I have, I have been featured in two different magazines. And I didn’t have just one or two images that made the publication, I had NINE!! I submitted 30 of my favorite images and almost a third of those submitted were awarded. Because of this, I was named Modern Senior Magazine’s Top 20 Portrait Artists and one of the top 100 Images and Photographers from around the world.

You can read that announcement here!

The magazine is beautiful…same thing you would see on the shelves at Barnes and Noble. It was pretty exciting to see those Kenda Davies Senior Photography clients staring back at me. I owe so much of this to those beautiful seniors. Without their trust in my ability and without their beautiful mugs and bubbling personalities, I wouldn’t have gotten any of these honors! I am one blessed photographer and I love my clients.

Take a look at the cover below!

Screenshot 2019-12-30 19.36.29.png

In order of how they appeared in the magazine, the following were featured inside the magazine:

Sundown Senior, Haven Wisdom

Sundown Senior, Haven Wisdom

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Laeten Stroud

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Laeten Stroud

New Deal Graduate, Jaiden Eaton

New Deal Graduate, Jaiden Eaton

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Chloe Cureton

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Chloe Cureton

Lubbock-Cooper Grads, Addi Peters, Ashley Peters and Claire Cunningham

Lubbock-Cooper Grads, Addi Peters, Ashley Peters and Claire Cunningham

Lubbock-Cooper Grad, Berkley Lancaster

Lubbock-Cooper Grad, Berkley Lancaster

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Skylar Blount

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Skylar Blount

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Katy Beach

Lubbock-Cooper Senior, Katy Beach

Lubbock-Cooper Grad, Payton Sadler

Lubbock-Cooper Grad, Payton Sadler

I can’t wait until the next contest I plan on entering! Thanks to each of you who made this possible. Love each of you!

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